Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Week 16: Reflection of AED 200

1. My expectations for this course were to learn about the styles, and variations of different types of art.  As well I wanted to learn about great artists and receive a high grade.  I feel as though I have met these expectations after going through the class.
2. I believe art to be the showing of emotions and styles of someone.  It is almost like a story or view that it is trying to depict.  Before this class I looked at art as simply a picture and never really analyzed closely.
3. My favorite artist was Vincent Van Gogh originally and it still is at this point in time.  It is the same to me because I always enjoyed his works of art and learning more behind those works of art has given me a greater understanding and love for his pieces of work.
4. After completing this course I feel as though I enjoyed doing this online.  I felt looking daily has really helped me.  Before I was a little skeptical of online classes due to maybe not learning through a classroom.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Art Gallery Visit #3

I was unable to go to the art gallery so I used the gallery named "Self Portraits" on google Art.

Inspirational Self Portraits

Self-Portrait with Dr. Arrieta
Artists: Francisco de Goya
Media: Oil on Canvas
Size: 45 1/8 x 30 1/8 in. (114.62 x 76.52 cm) (canvas) 54 x 39 1/8 x 3 3/4 in. (137.16 x 99.38 x 9.53 cm) (outer frame)
Year: 1820
Origin: Spain

Self Portrait
Artist: Vincent Van Gogh
Media: Oil on Canvas
Size: w438.2 x h571.5 cm (overall)
Year: 1889
origin: Dutch

Self- portrait with Small Monkey
Artist: Frida Kahlo
Media: Oil on masonite
Size: w415 x h560 mm (without frame)
Year: 1945 

Self Portrait

1. I chose these to be the three inspirational pieces to me because I felt they touched home with me the most.  The first piece touched home with me the most because its of a doctor taking care of a patient and it symbolizes to me caring about others and helping others and that's something that I really believe in.  The last picture was also inspiring to me due to the fact that I am a big animal lover.

2. I selected this media to create my self portrait because I thought it would be the best way for me to do this.

3. The challenges that I faced in this process was that I found it difficult to look at the picture of myself and sketch at the same time.  To get past that i just took things really slow and kind of got used to looking back and forth while drawing.

4. This piece represents me because it is a head shot of my hockey picture.  I play on the hockey team here at Buffalo State and I believe hockey defines me as it is such a huge part of my life.

5. The elements and principles that I applied was the use of emotion.  My facial emotions in this self portrait was very serious and I used that to help me when drawing this.

6. No I did not enjoy doing this as I found it very weird to attempt to draw myself.

7. I think it is an okay piece of art, but I am not the best at drawing so it could definitely be improved upon.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Week 13 and 14 Module

1.  The key concepts associated with the first video on the Lowdown on Lowbrow were; it is not surrealism, that it was more open to women than other movements in history, and that drawing was important and meant something big.  The key concepts on New Tate Modern were; it holds modern and contemporary art, art is always evolving, and that Tate is the most viewed and visited museum in the world.  The key concepts for the video on An Acquiring Mind are; sculptures are always for how they are shown or staged, photography is included, and that people will pay unthinkable amounts of money if they feel the work is needed for their collection.

2. The videos did help me to apply to my project because they were great guides in showing me the themes of work and how it can be viewed or depicted.

3. I enjoyed the videos and I thought they were quite fascinating to watch.  They all added different bits and parts, or ideas if you will to help me with my project.