Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Week 16: Reflection of AED 200

1. My expectations for this course were to learn about the styles, and variations of different types of art.  As well I wanted to learn about great artists and receive a high grade.  I feel as though I have met these expectations after going through the class.
2. I believe art to be the showing of emotions and styles of someone.  It is almost like a story or view that it is trying to depict.  Before this class I looked at art as simply a picture and never really analyzed closely.
3. My favorite artist was Vincent Van Gogh originally and it still is at this point in time.  It is the same to me because I always enjoyed his works of art and learning more behind those works of art has given me a greater understanding and love for his pieces of work.
4. After completing this course I feel as though I enjoyed doing this online.  I felt looking daily has really helped me.  Before I was a little skeptical of online classes due to maybe not learning through a classroom.

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