Sunday, November 6, 2016

Mask Making

1.  I chose these images as the three different masks to analyze through this project because I love the game of hockey and baseball.  The last image is of my favorite goalie Petr Mrazek and that is why I chose that specific image.

2.  The first image is of a Baseball mask that is used by the catchers who play.  It is used for protective measures.

The second image is of an old goalie mask and this particular image shows off a very vintage look to the way goalies look 40-50 years ago.

The third image is a current goalie mask and the color and imagery depicts many different things on this mask.  it is of Petr Mrazek who is the goalie of the Detroit Red Wings.  He represents his team, and past legends of the team on his mask.


4.  Lines, form, and emphasis were very important for the creation of my mask.  Form and emphasis are used when drawing the Red Wing logo.  Lines were used in the creation of the mask itself.

5.  This project wasn't very appealing to me as I struggle with drawing images.

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