1. The key concepts that I learned from the first video "Through the Eyes of the Sculpture" was realizing the marble itself. Knowing how fragile it is, whether there is cracks in it or not. Another concept is the Artigiano. This was a concept of having many people working on the same sculpture. Some would work on the sculpture outside, then they would be worked on inside by sculpting and polishing.
The key concepts that I learned from the second video "Glass and Ceramics" is that glass is made from sand and is not a true solid, but is a liquid that stiffens when cool. The sand that they use forms crystals and other components that are used to create fusion. Once the glass is formed it is ready for blowing, Once contact with the are it begins to harden as it cols. The glass is again reheated until it is shaped properly and less fragile. Glass can also be created with a propane tank to shape the article.
2. The video's and articles relate to each other because they share a lot of the same views and concepts. A lot of the information that we see in the text has very similar concepts and ideas as the ones in the video's.
3. I thought the films were very informative about the subjects at hand. It allowed me to learn some things that I didn't know in regards to the creation of sculptures, glass creation, and instillation. I now know a lot more about these processes.
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