Sunday, October 2, 2016

Gallery Visit #1

A.) Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?

Nam June Paik "Piano Piece (1993)'
I found this painting to very interesting and neat in my opinion because it is something different.  I love music and think the ideas of this painting are really cool.  It made an impression on me because it caught my eye and was a painting that I enjoyed looking at and studying.

Max Beckmann "Hotel Lobby (1950)"

I found this painting to be have a big impact on me because it was interesting to see the different shades of people.  In our society there is no two same people and I found the color schemes and this image to have a major impact on me.

B.) Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?

Paul Gauguin "Le Christ Jaune (1889)"
I found this painting to have the most connection with me due to the significance of the event that took place in the image.  Being catholic you learn and see so much about Jesus that he becomes a big part of your life, beliefs, and thoughts.  This painting really connects with me due to that belief in him and in God and the significance of them in my life. 

Henry Matisse "La Musique (1939)"

I found this painting to have a strong connection with me due to the musical aspect of it.  I love all different kinds of music and instruments so for me this painting really connects with me on a musical level.

C.) Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?

James Rosenquist "Nomad (1963)"

This is a piece of art that I find to be very interesting, but also one that I would like to know more about.  I like the imagery of the painting, but I would like to more about the painting so I could relate to it in a more deep way. 

Gustave Courbet "La Source de la Loue (1864)"

This is a painting that I too find very interesting due to the mystery behind it.  It makes me want to know more about it so that I can have a better understanding of the meaning of the painting.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you put Nomad in your project. It really captures the essence of "Americana" in the 1950s-1960s. Hotel Lobby was another work that stuck out to me. The different people you see, doing their own things, with so many different backstories is very interesting. It is painted as if all the people are so close, but yet completely unrelated. Great work on your project!
